On this particular webpage, I would like to present a way of making a small income on the side in order to help you on your prepping journey. Even if you do not want to prep, this additional source of income will help you in your day-to-day life.
Prolific explained -
The image above is a screenshot of Prolific's homepage. Clicking on the image will take you the appropriate webpage.
Prolific is a website where you complete surveys for a small payment. The longer the survey, the more money you will make.
The image above is a screenshot of my prolific profile. Above is a screenshot of my prolific profile. After 65 approved submissions, I made £87.13 (GBP) or $118.17 (USD). Some of the surveys were only worth a couple of pennies. However, over time, the pennies started to add up. It will not turn you into a millionaire entrepreneur with 20 gold chains and 10 rented Lamborghinis (that you probably won't pay off). However, it will assist you with small purchases.
The images above are screenshots of my emails.
Above, I have presented screenshots of Hilary's... I mean my emails, showing that I only cashed out twice. The money went toward some of the gear I wanted to buy.
The image above is a screenshot of my prolific profile.
So, what's the catch? For one, surveys are not always available and will appear randomly when a researcher decides to post one. Unfortunately, surveys can appear in your feed at an inconvenient time. If you miss it, it is gone forever. You will also have to be quick to accept the survey, as there is a limit to how many humans can participate. Second, if you want to cash out, you must make a minimum of £5. Above, I have a balance of £0.12. To cash out, I must make an additional £4.88 in surveys.
Update: There has recently been a lot of interest in Prolific. As a result, participant registration is currently paused. Unfortunately, you will have to join their waitlist if you are interested.
Note: I am not affiliated with Prolific in any way. I have only presented this as an additional source of income in the hopes that it may help you, as prices are rising and things are getting expensive.
Save up -
The images above were taken by me from my smartphone.
Humans often say, "buy the best you can afford." Unfortunately, this will not cut it for a long-term bug-out situation, which is why I say, "buy the best you can afford without compromising quality." This likely means you will have to save up for it, just as I have. Since cheaper quality items will not last as long and considering this preparation is for a long-term situation, I highly recommend saving up so that you can afford the better quality gear if you do not currently have the means to buy it.
A quick tip for humans who wear spectacles -
The images above were taken by me from my smartphone.
Because of this pandemic, all humans have to wear masks, even those who wear spectacles. Unfortunately, wearing a mask while wearing glasses can steam or fog up the lenses, which can be extremely annoying. Applying shaving cream to both lenses on both sides and wiping them clean will prevent your glasses from steaming up.